Privacy Policy

You will not have to log in to this Website and so you don’t need to create an account.  I do not need to know your name or your email address or anything about you.  You are welcome to browse this site completely anonymously to me.

The Web host company collects some data about your visit.  I am not responsible for whatever they do with that data.

Advertisers may place cookies in your browser.  They may also use the information in those cookies to remember where you have been on the Web and what you have looked at.  Some advertisers may show you “interest-based advertising” which I think is as creepy as it sounds.

If you wish to avoid seeing interest-based advertising you can visit DoNotTrack.Us to learn more about how it works.  Google also has a page you can visit to learn more about their interest-based advertising.

Disabling interest-based ads does not mean you will not see advertising on Websites.  It only means the ads will not be influenced by whichever Websites you have visited.

Amy Lee