Famous George Bernard Shaw Quotes

An Irish playwright with one of the great talents for words in the history of English, Shaw is often quoted and his lessons taught and retaught down through the ages.  You may be most familiar with his play Pygmalion, which the successful film and musical My Fair Lady is based on. Here’s a good sampling of the most famous George Bernard Shaw quotes.

The Most Romantic Sayings about Love

Love quotes, quotations, and sayings can come in handy during a romantic relationship. The perfect love quote can be a nice addition to a greeting card or (even better) a handwritten letter. A short and romantic quote can be appropriately engraved on a piece of jewelry to be used as a gift. A love quote can be included with the note accompanying flowers you’ve sent a new lover. I’ve collected some of my favorite quotes and sayings about love. Please feel free to use them to improve your love life.

Famous Oscar Wilde Sayings

Oscar Wilde is one of the wittiest writers of any era — his plays and other writings have stuck with us through the years and many of his famous quotes have been attributed and re-attributed to others.  Wilde quotes are great for teachers of the arts and especially theater — students of the arts should likewise familiarize themselves with Wilde’s humorous and insightful sayings.

Famous Citations from A Walk to Remember

Today my ten-month old son, James, bawled. He’d been playing in the living room with his Winnie-the-Pooh book when he thought that the dishes I was washing in the sink looked more interesting. It feels like I can see what scheme is running through his head as soon as I see his head tilt to the side and his eyes light up and grow to the size of teacup saucers.